Image by: Bantimurung Bulusaruang National Park is also called TN Babul. The National Park covers the area of Maros and Pangkep Regencies in South Sulawesi. It is about 43.750 hectares and is one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world. The butterflies and the karst mountains, rocks, and caves are the main icons of the National Park. All these natural beauties are outstanding and have become a very attractive tourist destination. The history of the Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park began when Alfred Russel Wallace started his expedition in 1857. A few years later, he published The Malay Archipelago, leading to more intensive research. From the 70s to the 80s, the region was crowned a conservation area. The Department of Forestry of South Sulawesi suggested that the area be named Hasanuddin National Park. However, the process took a long time. The Minister of Forestry finally issued a decree about changes in the function ...