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Weh Island is a small volcanic island in Aceh province. Sabang is the town on this island and it's located at the western end of Indonesia.

Besides natural resources of land and sea, the island has attractive historical relics to explore. Tourists can admire the wonderful scenery and the tradition on this island.

As Weh is located to the west of Indonesia, the distance calculation across the country starts from this small island. A monument called the Zero Kilometer stands magnificently and symbolizes the unity in diversity from Sabang to Marauke.

The Zero Kilometer monument has become a must visit site by tourists. This monument built on a plateau is known as the best place to see sunrise.

Although it is only 120 km wide, Weh Island is surrounded by beautiful beaches and each has its own uniqueness and charm. Some popular locations are Sumur Tiga Beach, Iboih Beach and Pasir Hitam Beach.

The wonderful scenery, the white sand, the clean blue sea and the underwater panorama attract a great number of tourists.

The black sand beach stretches miles away looks sparkling in the sunshine. The Iboih Beach is known as the snorkeling and diving sites because of their coral cluster and marine biotas. Besides, there are other beautiful beaches that can be explored by tourists.

Weh Island has a lot of diving spots that can be found in several areas and one of them is Rubiah Island Marine Park. It is 2,500 hectare wide and it's the home of different kinds of marine biotas. There are colorful tropical fishes, coral reefs and many other rare species.

If you're not accustomed to diving and can't find the alternative, it's admirable to observe the underwater environment from within a glass bottom boat.

In World War 2, Weh Island was one of the places where the Japanese cast anchor. The Japanese troops also started to attack the Dutch from this Island. Both became enemy and built castles to defend. The ruins of the castles can still be seen. Most are the remains of the Japanese fortresses.

One of the remaining fortresses is the Anoi Itam fortress on Anoi Itam beach, Sabang Town. The fortress was also used for storing weapons and military equipment. Tunnels and cannons can be found in this location. The sea and the forest, which are seen from the fortress is indeed an amazing panorama for tourists.

Don't forget to enjoy the tasty food while you're having your vacation there. It should be very enjoyable by having coconut juice while you're lying on the beach under a coconut tree.
If you have a lot of free time, you can explore Weh Island from different angles. You can hire a motorcycle to travel around the island and it will be an unforgettable memory in your life. This small island has a protected forest with various kinds of animals such as boars, snakes and monkeys.

Another location that is accessible by road is Goa Sabang. It's very challenging and extreme and it needs only 10 minutes to pass. This tourism complex that is given the name Raja Ampat from Sabang has three caves and can be explored together with the tour guide. However, visitor who has the menstrual period is advisable not to enter the cave, no matter which one it is.

The tourists who want to explore Weh Island can go by fast boat or ferry. When you set foot on that island, you can call a taxi cab or a dogcart. There are many cheap and expensive accommodations for visitors to choose. You can hire a tour guide or a diving instructor with the necessary equipment.

Weh Island is located southwest to Sumatra Island. It spends half an hour by fast boat or 2 hours by ferry from Banda Aceh. After arriving Balohan harbor, tourists can take the other means of transportation to visit the beautiful places.


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