
Ancol Bridge (Jembatan Ancol) is considered one of the eeriest locations in Jakarta city. As a matter of fact, it isn’t as spooky as people say. It is the place where youth hang out on the weekends.

In 1993, there was a soap opera of Si Manis Jembatan Ancol (The Sweetheart at Ancol Bridge) that was one of the favorite comedy horrors on television. Perhaps you would never think that such hybrid genre is adapted from a tragic past story.

The comedy horror is so entertaining that causes the audience can’t help laughing. But if you know the legend, you’ll get goosebumps on your skin.

In 19th century, there was a beautiful girl called Maryam who lived in a pavilion with her mother and elder sister in the era of Dutch colonization.

Maryam or Siti Ariah was the village beauty who possessed the magical aura of attractiveness that would make every man kneel down before her.

The owner of the pavilion was much impressed by the charm of Maryam’s manner and sent a marriage proposal letter to her mother. Maryam strongly rejected the proposal as she knew she would only be a concubine.

Maryam ran away to avoid threat and finally she reached Ancol. Later, she met another rich man who owned a villa at Bintang Mas Ancol District.

Oey Tambahsia (the rich man) ordered his body guards to catch Maryam. The poor girl struggled hard to escape, but she wasn’t strong enough and was killed at last. Her dead body was abandoned at the area of wet rice fields, four hundred meters away from the bridge.

The apparition of the sweet girl at Ancol Bridge

A lot of people claim that they have ever seen Maryam’s ghost at Ancol Bridge. It is said that the spirit often revealed herself between the time period of 1960s - 1990s.

The locals still bred fish at the area of Ancol Bridge in 1960s. On one particular evening, the wind blew gently and a man was canoeing under the bridge in the silver moonlight.

Suddenly a young girl waved at the man, asking him to take her across the river. After the girl left, the man was so surprised to see that the money paid to him was indeed a few peaces of green leaves.

An artist’s awful experience at his art stall

In 1985, Mbah Broto, a professional artist said that a beautiful girl came to his stall for creating an oil painting of herself. The artist intuitively sensed something was wrong, but he still accepted the offer.

While the oil painting was half done, Mbah Broto asked permission to go to toilet. When he came back, the young lady had already left.

Mbah Broto asked the artist next to his stall whether he saw that young lady. His friend pointed at the direction where she was going. He saw the young lady walking without touching the ground. Mbah Broto and his friend believed that the mysterious young lady was Maryam.

Ghost said hello to a kiosk keeper
Pak Anshori ran a cigarette kiosk near Ancol Bridge and he usually kept his kiosk until 01:00 am. It was drizzling in that early morning, so the Ancol Bridge looked darker and spookier at the very moment.

All of a sudden, he saw a young lady coming and smiled at him. While it was at about 50 cm distance, Pak Anshori asked her what she wanted to buy. Much to his surprise, the lady disappeared just in a single blink.

The mysterious passenger
It is also said that Yoto, a motorbike taxi driver was so unlucky while he was waiting for passenger at about 05:00 am. While he was feeling sleepy, a woman approached and asked him to take her to Ancol Bridge.

On the way, Yoto tried to break the ice by talking to the girl sitting behind him. The girl remained silent, not even a word came out of her mouth.

While they arrived at the destination, Yoto was so surprised after knowing the girl had already disappeared. He was very scared and left the place in a hurry.

Nowadays, the Ancol Bridge is still considered eerie. There’s even a belief that drivers should give a honk while they are crossing the bridge.


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